Digitize Your Spec Data with Spec Squad and Spec Assist

Today, companies across every industry are facing a labor and resource shortage. As a result, it’s been nearly impossible for organizations to execute large-scale transformation technology initiatives. But with global supply chains in disarray, leaders can’t afford to do nothing due to resource constraints. That’s where Spec Squad and Spec Assist comes in.

The Benefits of Partnering with Spec Squad and Spec Assist
  • No internal resources needed, so your teams can focus on day-to-day operations
  • Control over your data, ensuring data accuracy and completeness
  • Faster time-to-value, start using your digitized specification data in weeks, not months
  • Create, affordable and scalable teams with a flexible timeline
What is Spec Squad?
Offered to new or expanding Specright customers, Specright’s Spec Squad is a team of data experts that gather, standardize, and digitize data from suppliers, static files, and legacy systems — to get you up and running on Specright’s Specification Management platform without needing to pull in your own resources. Once the Spec Squad team gathers and validates your data, they upload it to Specright and are able to advise your team by recognizing areas for continuous improvement.  
What is Spec Assist?
Offered to existing Specright customers, Specright’s Spec Assist is a team that collects vendor owned specs, ensure supplier compliance and up-to-date certifications, and perform data completeness audits — allowing you to maintain a spec-first approach with accurate and digitized specs all while continuing to innovate and excel in your organization.
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"Spec Squad has been around for about two and a half years now. They are the experts in data standardization and data validation. We partner with packaging students at different universities to make an affordable service for our customers. And the Spec Squad managers come with a deeper expertise in packaging and regulatory across industries to make sure that the data is correct when we're helping digitize data and turning it into their spec-grade system."
Danielle Goad
Manager Specright Network, Specright
Get Started Quickly with Specright
Free up more of your time by utilizing Spec Squad and Spec Assist. Learn more about each program, as well as their step-by-step data journeys in thisiInfographic.
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Learn More about the Value of
Spec Squad and Spec Assist