How to Drive Sustainability with Specright

For years, companies have knowingly or unknowingly overlooked the impact they have when it comes to sustainability. This is no longer acceptable. Specright enables customers to make products and packaging right, every time. Our vision is to live in a world without waste. Join us.

While some companies are taking sincere initiatives to make this planet a better place, others are simply doing the bare minimum. According to Gartner, a vast majority of businesses fail to meet their sustainability commitments, and it's mainly because of lack of data.

The first step to driving sustainability is to know where you are currently with your business practices. If your operations involve manufacturing and logistics, it is important to have clear visibility on your packaging processes because this is where most of the wastage occurs.

Specright gives you relevant data on your packaging operations so you can identify red flags and make amends to align with your sustainability goals. Once you get your packaging right, it’s easier to have your logistics and transportation in order too. With accurate data and actionable insights offered by Specright, you can pave the way for sustainable practices while serving the best interests of your stakeholders.

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A pile of waste produced by a company that may impact their ability to meet sustainability goals
Why Should My Business Become a Sustainable One?
We are in the middle of a climate change crisis, and it’s too late to go back now. However, with a little course correction, we can prevent the situation from getting worse. And this is the greatest gift we can give to our future generations.

As a business, it is your social responsibility (and even required by law) to control carbon emissions, plastic usage, and waste by adopting a sustainability strategy.

Making changes to your internal operations is a great place to start, but the onus of sustainable practices cannot be put on you and you alone. If your business lies somewhere in the middle of the supply chain, it is important to ensure that your suppliers, vendors and distributors share your values and sustainability agenda and make conscious efforts for the well-being of the environment.

If you rely on a supplier for sourcing raw materials, you might not be able to control their carbon footprint, but you can reevaluate your partnership to build a sustainable supply chain and reduce the overall environmental impact.
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What is the Starting Point for a Sustainability Transformation?
Sustainability initiatives might alter business models at their core and affect their bottom line. However, to build a sustainable business, you don’t have to trade your competitive advantage for ESG compliance. Knowing the right approach and insights can help you redefine your processes for the better.

Sustainability transformation starts with reevaluating your current practices and identifying areas for improvement. Of course, you are going to need data to make educated decisions, especially if you are running operations at scale. So, investing in Specright can be a crucial step in your journey. Specright will assess various touch points within your operations and provide you with relevant data on your current standing in terms of sustainability. Based on these insights, business leaders can devise strategies leading to a sustainable future.

While sustainability is all about looking ahead, it is crucial to look inside and around so that you don’t miss out on opportunities that can help you make a positive impact on the environment.
Freight and cargo awaiting distribution in a harbor
What are Your Business ESG Priorities?
At some point, every business rises up to their ESG responsibilities. For the uninitiated, it can be difficult to find the starting point though.

Regardless of your operations, there are three fundamental pillars of ESG that you should prioritize while aligning your business with sustainability practices. 

The first pillar is Environmental.
Be it product manufacturing, distribution or service, your actions as a business have an impact on the environment. And the most important question you need to ask yourself is how you can minimize this impact. Today, companies can use a myriad of tools to measure their environmental efficiencies, which include emissions, water & energy consumption, packaging and waste, etc. These tools can also assist businesses in implementing environmentally friendly solutions across their manufacturing and procurement practices to reduce their carbon footprint.

The second pillar is Social.
Do your operations have any social implications? At first, answering this question might seem difficult because of the ever-evolving social landscape. However, you can ensure social acceptance by seeking validation from people that matter to your business. If your customers, employees and stakeholders approve of your operating procedures, you know you are on the right track.

The third pillar is Governance.
This includes ensuring compliance with the guidelines laid out by the government or meeting industry standards and benchmarks set by peers. When you check all these boxes, your business is considered trustworthy and ethical – two of the strongest suites of a sustainable business.
What are the Biggest ESG Challenges in the Different Industries?
With regulations becoming stricter by the day, corporations across industries are struggling to meet their ESG objectives. One of the primary reasons is that they don’t have enough data to work with. Most businesses fail to identify weaknesses in their standard operating procedures, and as a result, they have no clue how to start making progress.

Specright solves this problem by providing a clear picture of your business’ operations at various fronts. The insights it offers can help you rethink your strategies and switch to environmentally friendly alternatives if necessary.
Forest protected by sustainability and other ESG initiatives
Our Commitment to Sustainability
At Specright, our vision is to live in a world without waste. We realize that’s a bold statement, but it is possible. We help our customers make products and packaging right, every time. Today, people and companies, want to be sustainable, but there is a data gap between ambition and action. We believe Specright can help you bridge that gap and achieve your sustainability goals.
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Rising to the Challenge of a More Sustainable World
Sustainability is not just something “nice” to do, it’s now a necessity. Now, with protocols around Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), Greenhouse Gas (GHG), CO2e emissions, and climate change being implemented across the globe, more responsibility is being put on producers to ensure packaging and products is sustainable and the manufacturing impact on climate change is reduced.
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Specright CEO, Matthew Wright giving a presentation on sustainability at Spec Summit
Driving Sustainability & Profitability
Listen to Specright Founder & CEO, Matthew Wright, as he discusses the state of sustainability, how to achieve your sustainability initiatives by taking a spec-first approach, and why being sustainable can also mean greater profitability.

To watch more presentations from Specification Management Summit 2023, click here.
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Tips to Drive Sustainable Brand Growth
Today’s consumers are more informed than ever before. They are more likely to associate with brands that care for the environment and people as compared to businesses that focus solely on making profits.

If you wish to lead your brand on the road to sustainability, here’s a quick reminder to help you stay the course.

Evaluate your manufacturing, packaging and logistics to make sure you are not violating standard emission norms. Reduce wastage by implementing recycling strategies across departments. Keep a close tab on your water and energy consumption and switch to green alternatives wherever possible.
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SDM for Sustainability
At Specright, our vision is to live in a world without waste. We help make products and packaging the right way -- every time. Through the digitization of specification data, as well as networking across your enterprise and supply chain, we enable business intelligence and traceability throughout the lifecycle of your items.
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Manufacturing company, Caterpillar's brand logo
“Where we see sustainability opportunities in the industry is looking for biomass reduction. And with packaging, we use a tremendous amount of corrugated or paper products in general, and we need to be able to recognize what those products are that we’re packaging with, identify volumes, costs and so on, so that we can actually put number to those biomass reductions in relation to the amount of corrugated, amount of paper, anything that goes into the packaging product.”
Darrin Maue
Packaging Engineer, Caterpillar
Manufacturing company, Caterpillar's brand logo
“Nailing the spec side of specifically anything emissions-related in our business case is definitely key. Having a tool such as Specright in our hands and at our disposal will enable us to adapt and move more quickly as emissions regulations change."
Maks Celhar
Implementation Project Manager, BASF
Manufacturing company, Caterpillar's brand logo
“At Bright Future Foods, we talk about wearing our carbon glasses. That’s the area of sustainability that we’ve chosen to focus on and that we can affect. So, that as we do that, others will be able to tackle other pieces to sustainability. I think that’s really the key takeaway is to understand what you can do, go after it, and be part of a bigger solution.”
Kris Corbin
Co-Founder & Chief Supply Chain Officer, Bright Future Foods
Make Your Sustainability Strategy a Reality vs. a Goal
Many companies are struggling with reliable visibility, sustainable design, and delivering on goals that are oftentimes set at a corporate level. Some companies don’t even know where to start on setting goals — but are being forced to act by emerging regulations. Aggregating and understanding specification data can be a manual, lengthy process that typically has to be performed year after year. A task which many companies cannot feasible manage annually from a resource and financial standpoint.
SDM for Sustainability
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By taking a spec-first approach to your sustainability goals you can turn goals into action.

Increase Your Top-Line, Bottom-Line, and Green-Line Growth with Specright