Trusted by C-Suite

"What we're doing with Specright is strengthening up the whole product life cycle management process. We have some island systems today that do some of these things, but all of those challenges – disconnected systems, arguments about data... these things just don't make sense now. With Specright, we decided to put this PLM system in place and actually drive it forward."
Frank Ardite
Global Quality & Digitization Director, BASF
"We've created a technology ecosystem where I'm not waiting on technology. And that's why I really like Specright. That's why I'm here is because they're great partners when it comes to that. We work together."
Aron Kolosik
Chief Supply Chain Officer, Central Garden & Pet
“Expanding our partnership with Specright to manage specification data across the entire product life cycle was an easy choice and sets us up for success in enhancing and developing innovative products while also ensuring our workforce is more efficient.”
Andy Norman
CIO, Bob Evans Farms

Our Architecture: A Secure & Stable Cloud-Based Platform Built for Specs

Our data architecture is centered around and optimized for specs, making the data in our platform more searchable, traceable, and ultimately more usable for your business. Cloud-based means both internal and external users have immediate , 24/7 access – anywhere in the world.

Specright is built on, the most scalable, reliable, and secure enterprise cloud platform in the world. All our Specright services are SOC2 compliant from security, confidentiality, and availability trust perspectives.

Streamline Your Product Development Process: One Platform for All Your Spec Needs

Digitize and standardize specifications, from raw materials, formulas, ingredients, packaging, products, and finished goods in one cloud-based platform. Easily link specs together to form sub-assemblies, bill of materials, and finished goods.
Key Features
  • 150+ spec templates help you standardize and digitize data
  • Universal search helps you find data in any spec or related document
  • Build-in analytics flag duplicate specs and prevent SKU proliferation
  • Version control, supersede, and history tracking for changes

Start your journey

Our patented data ingestion technology collects specs from documents and systems.
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It then identifies all duplicate specs.
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And generates one “true” digital spec.
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Through many-to-many linkage, the single spec is connected to all related specs.
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Take your data out of spreadsheets, pdfs, legacy systems, and various formats and into a digitized single source of truth.

Disconnected and static spec data systems open your team up to risk and inefficiencies. WIth a purpose-built Specification Management solution, you can leverage industry-specific spec templates, reduce duplicate SKUs, and create true traceability from raw materials up to finished goods, packaging, and suppliers. In one easy-to-use platform, you can ensure your team is working off of the most up-to-date and complete spec data that is critical to your business and supply chain.

Manage all critical documents and actions related to specs.
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Leverage real-time data to make smarter decisions.
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Easily collaborate, analyze and share insights across teams.
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Make the right business decisions at the right time by driving insights and intelligence across your enterprise and supply chain.

When you’re managing your data at the spec-level in one digital platform, changes and decision making can go from reactive to proactive. This enables your team to easily analyze and collaborate on the data needed for cost savings opportunities, SKU reduction, compliance reporting, and more. Every field, on every page within Specright’s platform is reportable and easily accessible in dashboards, making real-time collaboration your default communication.

Collaborate, manage and share specs across your supply chain to increase data accuracy.
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Data adherence to standards, policies, and regulations.
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Easily onboard and scale to all your suppliers, anywhere in the world.
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“Everything that’s required is in there, so you just hit a button, and a report is generated for a supplier. To pull a spec together before, you’d have to go to procurement, quality, operations, maybe engineering, which might take a couple of days - but now anything we need to do takes about 15 seconds.”
Paul Grey
Director of Quality, Central Garden and Pets

Build resilience across your supply chain and transform the way you work with external partners by integrating them throughout the entire lifecycle of your packaging and products.

Whether it’s your team or suppliers who “own” the spec data, you need to ensure end-to-end traceability of your supply chain to scale with confidence. With Specright Network you can centralize the ability to share, consume, audit, authenticate, and search for critical spec data and supplier documents. Your company can gain instant access to trusted partner specifications and sustainability data, streamline document sharing, and connect with new supply chain partners.

Gartner®: Market Guide for Packaging & Product Specification Management

Learn about:
  • Regulatory Challenges: Regulatory requirements, legislation and costs of goods are exposing gaps and weaknesses in product and packaging specification data processes and practices.
  • Sustainability Legislation: Growth in global sustainability legislation for manufacturers is exposing gaps in specification data management solutions, spec quality, completeness and accuracy that is forcing supply chain technology leaders and CIOs to seek solutions to meet compliance requirements.
  • Outdated Processes: Many regardless of region, industry or size suffer from outdated or manual processes to manage specification data, resulting in growing strains on resources, cost overruns and risks of noncompliance.

All the data you need to make and develop products in one easy-to-use platform

Specright gives brands and suppliers the control over spec data to drive quality, customer delight, and profitability, in one, easy-to-use Specification Management solution.

Packaging Management
Report and improve sustainability, standardize design processes, and rationalize SKUs
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Product Data Management
Manage raw materials, ingredients, formulas, recipes, BOMs, and finished goods, search specs and related documents, and identify similar specs quickly.
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Product Lifecycle Management & New Product Development
Streamline product management, quickly build out BOMs, and forecast cost formulas.
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SDM for Sustainability
Dashboards and reporting software enforce sustainability requirements, benchmark and track across suppliers, and comply with EPR and the UK plastics tax.
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Supplier Management
Drive traceability and accountability, track supplier performance, and build your supplier community.
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Quality Management
Drive visibility and traceability, prevent quality issues, and document management and actions.
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Document Management
Document storage, add meta data, manage expirations, rules, and workflows, connect to suppliers, ingredients, products, and BOMs.
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Trusted by Fortune 500 & Challenger Brands

Easily integrate with your existing systems

Unlike legacy systems, Specright’s open API seamlessly integrates with other tools, such as ERP and PLM software, enabling you to effortlessly share data across you enterprise systems.

Discover the impact of Specification Management

Access Specsights, our free resource library, and learn how to focus your data strategy, innovate, and drive your bottom line growth from industry experts.