What is Specification Data Management™ (SDM)?

Specification Data Management (SDM™) software is a specialized data management system that templatizes and standardizes specs across the supply chain, enabling collaboration, accuracy, and improving time-to-market. Specification data captures data elements items such as raw materials, ingredients, formulas, packaging, finished goods, bills of materials (BOMs), quality control documents, and more.

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Specification Data Management Drives Downstream Systems

SDM is the foundation for supply chain systems, serving as the core data specification platform that ensures consistency and accuracy across all downstream applications. When companies implement SDM, downstream systems downstream become smarter and more accurate. As a cloud-based SaaS platform, it’s easy to pass data, metadata, and other critical information to other systems, making your SDM platform the ideal single source of truth for all stakeholders.

How does SDM differ from systems like Product Lifecycle Management (PLMs), ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning), and data visualization tools? ERPs are financial systems, PLMs are used to build complex products like jet engines, and visualization tools are designed to aggregate data, not structure it. These systems were not built to structure, manage, and share data at the specification level. Unlike legacy systems of yesterday, SDM platforms can easily intake data from ERPs, PLMs, and data visualization tools, streamlining outcomes like cost optimization, faster product development, and advanced analytics.

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SDM Enables Companies to Answer Key Business Questions
How can we reduce packaging costs across product lines?
How can we make products more sustainable and measure progress?
How can we ensure compliance with new regulatory requirements?
How can we increase speed-to-market for new products?
How can we consolidate SKUs across our portfolio?
How can we reduce packaging costs across product lines?
How can we make products more sustainable and measure progress?
How can we ensure compliance with new regulatory requirements?
How can we increase speed-to-market for new products?
How can we consolidate SKUs across our portfolio?
Specification Management Adoption Guide
With many companies still using spreadsheets, emails, and shared drive to manage specification data, the need for a purpose-built Specification Management system, including open source options, is increasingly becoming more crucial to meet today’s demands and scale operations.

By connecting specifications to other critical data such as suppliers and facilities, organizations can create a digital thread using Specright as their supply chain platform.
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All the data you need to make and develop products in one easy-to-use platform

Specright gives brands and suppliers the control over spec data to drive quality, customer delight, and profitability, in one, easy-to-use Specification Management solution.

Packaging Management
Report and improve sustainability, standardize design processes, and rationalize SKUs
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Product Data Management
Manage raw materials, ingredients, formulas, recipes, BOMs, and finished goods, search specs and related documents, and identify similar specs quickly.
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Product Lifecycle Management & New Product Development
Streamline product management, quickly build out BOMs, and forecast cost formulas.
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SDM for Sustainability
Dashboards and reporting software enforce sustainability requirements, benchmark and track across suppliers, and comply with EPR and the UK plastics tax.
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Supplier Management
Drive traceability and accountability, track supplier performance, and build your supplier community.
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Quality Management
Drive visibility and traceability, prevent quality issues, and document management and actions.
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Document Management
Document storage, add meta data, manage expirations, rules, and workflows, connect to suppliers, ingredients, products, and BOMs.
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See Specright in Action

Unlock profitability and positively impact ROI through Specright’s powerful Specification Data Management™ Platform.

Watch the short video and learn how Specright:

  • Manages the DNA-level data of packaging specifications and product specifications
  • Improves supplier collaboration
  • Accelerates outcomes such as bids, product development, and quality improvement
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Learn More About Matthew’s Story and the rise of Spec Management in his book “The Evolution of Products and Packaging”
Available for download here or for purchase on Amazon.com
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Start Managing Your Specification Data Right Today