
New to Specright: Specright Maps, IQ Enhancements, Bulk File Upload, Specright News and More

Posted on 
November 14, 2019
Ravi Gandhi
VP of Product Management

Specright is excited to announce several new capabilities and features included in our November 2019 - 4.0 release: Specright Maps, IQ Enhancements, Bulk File Upload, Like Item Finder for all types, Ingredients and Formula Templates, Sub Assembly Relationships, and Specright News Thanks to a great deal of valuable feedback and insights from users, our platform has added a robust catalog of functionality to help everyone harness the power of Specification Data Management™.

Specright Maps

You can find all of your locations based on a specific address or city. Locations can be displayed within a map or list view, including suppliers, customers, distribution centers, subsidiaries, and partners. You can also easily toggle between the map and list view when scheduling travel routes for upcoming trips.There are many more enhancements planned for Specright Maps in the near future.

Specright Maps
Map View With Location Pins

Bulk File Upload

You can now easily upload multiple files at once for any item or spec. This will save you time and clicks when dealing with multiple images, documents, or files.

Specright Bulk Upload
Bulk Upload In Progress

Like Item Finder for all types

In addition to corrugated, you can now find similar items that already exists within your dataset for all specification types. This can help reduce the number of specifications for flexible packaging, ingredients, formulas, labels, and other types. This feature eliminates the need to create multiple items from scratch or manage several duplicate specs throughout your process.

Like Item Finder Specright Screenshot
Like Item Finder Used For Similar Packaging

Ingredients and Formulas templates

Standard templates are now available to use when creating a new ingredient or formula. You can also easily track allergens, claims, shelf life, and other attributes specific to ingredients and formulas.

Formula Template With List of Related Ingredients

Specright IQ Enhancements

Did you know that opting for minor changes in packaging materials can save significant costs and increase sustainability? Our Analytics IQ can provide the total estimated savings by suggesting alternative materials as well as benefit analysis of the tradeoff options.

Analytics IQ Savings
Specright IQ Recommendations
Analytics IQ Specright Screenshot
Save to IQ Groups

Sub Assembly Relationships

Those using sub assemblies in their products can now use Specright to easily build relationships to other parts. With the ability to visualize the hierarchy, you can quickly connect and track what parts make up the sub assembly as well as which Finished Goods use the sub assembly.

Sub Assembly Specright Screenshot
Associating Sub Assemblies

Specright News

Stay informed whenever Specright releases new product features, blogs, and training webinars. You can now keep up to date within Specright on the latest Specification Data Management news and white papers.

Specright News Screenshot

Ravi Gandhi

Ravi Gandhi is the VP of Product Management at Specright, responsible for the planning and execution of Specright’s product roadmap. He is also in charge of Specright’s integration and API strategy and was part of the founding team that built Specright’s Integration Services Platform. Ravi runs Specright’s Customer Advisory Board where select Specright customers from across industries contribute to and influence Specright’s product direction and strategy.

He has 19 years of experience in the enterprise software space, having built software for Hewlett Packard, and having led integration product management for HireRight, the world’s largest provider of global background screening services, where he launched solutions in partnership with HCM leaders including Oracle, SAP and Workday. He has graduated with a MS in Computer Science from University of Southern California and MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management.

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With Specright’s Solution Suite, you can digitize, centralize, and link your specification data to drive efficiencies, intelligence, traceability, and collaboration within your organization and across your supply chain network.