Bob Evans Farms Transforms PLM Process and Product Innovation with Specright

For F&B companies like Bob Evans Farms that have multiple brands with loyal customer bases, getting high-quality products to market in record time is critical. Thus, having a strong PLM and data management system is necessary to continue meeting the needs of these customers. By taking a spec-first approach in transitioning to Specright’s Specification Data Management (SDM) platform as well as utilizing integrations such as Genesis and 1WorldSync, Bob Evans Farms now has a centralized system that equips them with a strong Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) process.

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Here's a preview of what you'll learn:

  • The challenge caused by siloed systems and decentralized data
  • How a spec-first approach transformed Bob Evans Farm's PLM processes
  • The improvements standardized data has provided, especially in areas such as data visibility, collaboration, and speed-to-market
"…We went down the path with PLM SAP several times and the product in and of itself is overly complex…When we came across Specright, it's the ease of use of the tool. If you look at the platform, you look for an item and traverse through the lineage of the ingredients and the packaging and the labels, it's so easy to use that then we got more adoption and more support to do the project."

Tony Costa

Former CIO, Bumble Bee Foods
Trusted by Fortune 500 & Challenger Brands