
Why Spreadsheets Don’t Mean “Digitization” When it Comes to Managing Your Spec Data

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September 4, 2024
Matthew Wright
Founder & CEO, Specright
See Specright's Capabilities in Action

In today's data-driven world, companies are increasingly recognizing the need to digitize their specification data. Though many organizations claim to that their specs are digitized with spreadsheets and shared drives, it’s important to understand that this approach hardly scratches the capabilities of true digitization. Yes, the specs are in a digital format, but they can easily be outdated depending on who owns the spreadsheet, there is a high risk of duplicate specs, and the data is not easily analyzable, collaborative, or reportable. You can only do so much with a pivot table!

With a purpose-built Specification Data Management (SDM) platform, the ability to understand and utilize your data is exponentially greater.

Here’s why....

The Limitations of Spreadsheets

Excel has long been a go-to tool for managing data due to its accessibility and familiarity. However, when it comes to handling complex specification data, relying on spreadsheets can lead to significant challenges:

1. Lack of Centralization

Spreadsheets often reside on individual computers or shared drives, making it difficult for teams to access the most up-to-date information. Whether the information came from suppliers or internal documents, there is little checks and balances when it comes to a spreadsheet. Formulas can be inputted incorrectly, data points change on a regular basis based on who owns the spreadsheet, and there is limited version control. Without data centralization, it is difficult to understand the relationship between data points and how they all affect one another. This decentralization can result in detrimental version control issues, and incomplete vision of the overall product, and head-spinning miscommunication.

2. Data Inconsistency

Manual entry in spreadsheets is extremely prone to errors such as typos or incorrect formulas. Without any system checking the data to validate it, these mistakes remain unnoticed until it is too late. These mistakes can propagate through your datasets, leading to inconsistent and unreliable data that impact each team.  It is extremely difficult to pinpoint where the formula went wrong and the extent of the damage that mistake caused. There is nothing worse than having to restart a step of the development process after months, or even years, of hard work.

3. Limited Collaboration

While spreadsheets offer some collaboration features, they are not robust enough for real-time teamwork across departments and locations. True collaboration requires a platform designed from the ground up for multi-user environments. If everyone is working off a different version of a spec, each step of the product development process will not come together correctly, efficiently, or optimally. Being able to collaborate through task management tools like Specright’s Gantt Charts, chat functionality within Specright, and enhanced supplier relationships is game-changing.

4. Scalability Issues

As your business grows, so does the volume and complexity of your specification data. Managing large datasets in Excel becomes cumbersome and inefficient over time. With a SDM platform, like Specright’s,  you can see where specific specs are utilized through multiple levels of data. The global search function is exponentially more powerful than a simple Control+F search of a spreadsheet. This helps with consolidation of duplicate specs, allows you to search based on size, name, supplier, etc., filters which spec status, and more. While these tools may seem simple, they provide a solid foundation for all your specs, allowing you to dynamically interact with your data and set yourself up for future growth and success.

The Need for a Purpose-Built Specification Data Management (SDM) Platform is Here

You don’t need to settle for these challenges just because they have been sufficient in the past. What worked for the past +30 years, isn’t acceptable anymore. We use very advanced technology in our every day lives, and we should no longer accept outdated, antiquated technology in our profession.

The good news, there is a solution. It’s not longer future state, it’s current state.

Truly digitizing your specification data with a Specification Data Management (SDM) platform, like Specright, offers several advantages and are the key to staying competitive and compliant in the future.

Centralized Data

Specright provides a single source of truth where all your specifications are stored centrally. While this may seem simple, this is what current Specright customers enjoy the most about their SDM journey. This ensures that everyone has access to accurate and up-to-date information at any time, preventing situations like the R&D team from working off of version 1, the Quality team working off of version 2, and the Manufacturing team working off of version 3. Everyone should be working off the same spec data, in real time, and with the confidence of knowing it is accurate.

Additionally, centralized data allows teams to all be on the same page. There will be no questions on the accuracy of the data, rather the conversation will be around how to best utilize the data to propel the business forward. Your teams should be focused on innovation and optimization, not chasing down data or documents.

Enhanced Accuracy

Automated processes reduce manual entry errors significantly. With built-in validation rules and templates tailored specifically for specifications management, you can trust that your data is consistent and reliable. These templates also result in significant time savings when it comes to data entry. By having a standardized process with the same types of templates, it is easier to ensure no critical information is missing, identify if there are any duplicate specs, and add specs to the system more efficiently.

Accurate data also allows you to address regulatory compliance issues. Managing compliance reporting is something that is becoming even more critical with sustainable packaging regulations growing globally and in the U.S., and the best way to be proactive is by having all of your data in order. By taking advantage of Specright to help with reporting, companies can feel at ease knowing that their data is consolidated and accurate, making reporting much more manageable and scalable as regulations grow or change in the months and years to come.

Seamless Collaboration Between Teams and Suppliers

Specright enables real-time collaboration across teams regardless of their location. Features like user permissions ensure that only authorized personnel can make changes while allowing others easy access for review purposes. With task management capabilities in Specright, managers can assign tasks to their team or move them forward to other team members, letting people know when action is needed. This also helps with version control, as only the people who need to be in the project are working in it.

This collaboration is also crucial when working with suppliers. Receiving specs from suppliers is simple with Specright, especially due to the Supplier Network. This fosters stronger relationships and partnerships between suppliers which is critical when getting products to market. The future of supply chain optimization is the Specright Network which enables collaboration and end-to-end traceability at the spec-level between brands, suppliers, manufacturers, and retailers. Designed for  data sharing and other forms of collaboration, Specright Network is adaptable to your specific needs.

Scalability & Flexibility

Designed with scalability in mind, Specright grows alongside your business needs without compromising performance or usability. It is easy to expand upon Specright once your team is comfortable with the system. With specialized modules and quarterly product releases and updates, Specright is always working to meet customer requirements. There is a use for Specright across every team in your company, including Packaging, R&D, Quality, Supply Chain, Finance, Procurement, and more. Whether you're dealing with hundreds or millions of specifications, Specright’s SDM platform is built to scale with your company.

Embrace True Digitization with Specright

Digitizing specification data goes beyond merely transferring information into digital formats—it involves adopting tools purposely built for today’s ever-changing and complex market requirements. By leveraging solutions, like Specright, instead of spreadsheets and shared drives, companies are able to benefit from greater efficiency, accuracy, and decision making that keeps them competitive in today’s landscape.

Interested in making FINALLY ditching the spreadsheets?

Connect with a member of my team to see a live demo today.


Matthew Wright

Matthew Wright is the founder & CEO of Specright, the first cloud-based platform for Specification Management. Specright has been recognized by Fast Company’s prestigious Most Innovative Companies list, named a Gartner Cool Vendor, and as one of the Top Places to Work by the OC Register and Built in LA. Wright is also a published author and his book, “The Evolution of Products and Packaging,”was named to the Amazon Hot New Release List for Industrial Relations Business and has a five star rating. 

Prior to founding Specright, Wright spent more than 25 years in the packaging industry, holding leadership positions at International Paper, Temple Inland, and rightPAQ — a packaging company he co-founded. He has also been involved in leading multiple M&A deals in the packaging industry, currently sits on the MSU School of Packaging and Industry Advisory Board and previously served on the Packaging Advisory Board at Cal-Poly San Luis Obispo.

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With Specright’s Solution Suite, you can digitize, centralize, and link your specification data to drive efficiencies, intelligence, traceability, and collaboration within your organization and across your supply chain network.
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