Bright Future Foods: Proactively Driving Sustainable Outcomes with Specright

Bright Future Foods is on a mission to be one of the first fully carbon negative CPG companies. But becoming carbon negative is no easy feat, it takes innovation, creativity, and most of all, extremely detailed specification data management. That's why Bright Future Foods chose Specright to manage their specs, enabling them to accurately manage carbon inputs and credits to become carbon negative.

Get the Case Study

Download the case study to learn how Bright Future Foods used Specright to:

  • Manage their carbon by measuring, tracking, and making decisions based on grams of CO2e for ingredients, packaging, and processes
  • Scale to 100+ farms while integrating inventory, demand planning, farming data, and processing emissions
  • Bring sustainability to the forefront of the product development process
“We're not just creating sustainable products, but carbon negative products... and we need specs to do that.”

Kris Corbin

Co-Founder, Head of Supply Chain, Bright Future Foods

Why You Need Specright

When everyone has access to specifications, amazing things happen – faster product development, improved quality, and less waste.

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